Friday, April 24, 2009

The Release

Today is the 22nd day since we first got our butterflies as tiny little caterpillars. We were so excited to release them into Roundtown's butterfly garden this afternoon. See all the excitement on today's blog shared by Nick, Matt, Macy B. and Ian.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Day Twenty

Check out the exciting changes happening to our butterflies! Annabelle, Thomas, Guy, and Abby report the latest changes.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day Thirteen

Today is the thirteenth day following our caterpillars' journey to becoming butterflies. Please listen as Anna, Macy G, Maddy, and Grace share the exciting changes our caterpillars have made.

Day Six

Today is the sixth day in our caterpillars journey at Roundtown. Dawson, Ryan, and Catherine will share the changes that have happened to our Painted Lady caterpillars. Enjoy the video!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Our Caterpillars Have Arrived

Welcome to our butterfly blog. We were so excited today when our painted lady caterpillars arrived in a sealed cup. There are five caterpillars in the cup. Today Elle, Evan, and Elizabeth are the first butterfly reporters. Check back every few days to see how the caterpillars are changing!